Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

How to Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation

Step 1

For this project, I used two nice images that suits for the manipulation; image1, image2. I would like to thank the author of this two great pictures, which is thiquinho and huibidos from sxc.hu. And before we continue with the steps, I need to inform you that this tutorial is written using Photoshop CS3.

Step 2

Let’s start with image1, open and duplicate this image by using the Image > Duplicate command from the menu bar. In the Duplicate Image dialog box, you can name it anything you like, but to follow this tutorial reference, name it "PassionFire" and hit OK. By doing this, we kept the original image. Be sure to save.

Step 3

With the "PassionFire" image active, duplicate the "background" layer. Set the foreground and background color to black and white by pressing D on the keyboard. Click the "background" layer again and fill it with the foreground color ~ which is set to black. See the images below.

Step 4

Reactivate "Layer 1," then press Command + Shift + U to apply desaturate command. Now invert the color by pressing Command + I. Your image should look like a film’s negative now.

Step 5

Duplicate "Layer 1," then apply the find edges filter from Filter > Stylized > Find Edges. Next, invert the color by pressing Command + I and change the Blending Mode to Hard light. There, your image now has contrast white line and a very dark background.

Step 6

To give the white line more contrast, duplicate the "Layer 1" copy then change the Blending Mode to Screen.

Step 7

Now we move to the second image. Drag image2 into "PassionFire" document image window using the Move tool. If the Paste profile mismatch dialog appears, just click OK to fix it.

Step 8

The fire image from "image2" should be in "Layer 2" now. Change its Blending Mode to screen, this will hide all the black colors in "Layer 2." If done right, your image should be similar to the one below.

Step 9

Duplicate "Layer 2" by pressing Command + J. Make sure you use the Screen Blending mode, same as the original "Layer 2." Next, make "Layer 2" become invisible by hiding it from the layers panel.

Step 10

Click the "Layer 2 copy" to make it active, then use the Free Transform command ( Edit > Free Transform) to rotate and resize the fire image like shown below. Don’t forget to press Enter when you’re done transforming.

Step 11

Still in the same layer, now use the warp command (Edit > Transform > Warp) to bend the fire image – so it following the hair flow. Press Enter when done. See the example below as a reference.

Step 12

If you feel the result is not quite good enough, simply use the Liquify filter to fix it. I assume you already know how to use the liquify filter; the Forward Warp tool and Twirl Clockwise tool is the only tool I used to get this result (see image below).

Step 13

Duplicate the "Layer 2" copy, then use the Free Transform command to resize and rotate the fire image in the current layer. Don’t forget to reposition the fire image too. Once you get this composition (see image below), hit Enter.

Step 14

Repeat the previous process to get the hair covered with fire. Just duplicate and modify the layer until you get all the hair part covered. If needed, use the Liquify Filter again. The end result of this process should look like the image below, notice how many layers are used.

Step 15

Okay, now activate "Layer 2" and make it visible again. Then Change the Blending Mode to Vivid Light. This step will colorize only the white line in the layer below it.

Step 16

Still in "Layer 2," apply the Free Transform command to resize and rotate the fire image like shown below. The purpose is to cover up the girl’s body and hair with the fire texture. Press Enter when you’re done transforming.

Step 17

We’re gonna blur the fire image in "Layer 2," To do so, apply the Gaussian Blur filter from the Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur menu. Fill the Radius around 10 to 15 pixels, then click OK when done. Blurring the fire image will cause its texture to blend smoother with the layer below it.

Step 18

Now add a layer mask to "Layer 2." Then use a soft round Brush tool with Opacity at 100%. Set the brush size according to your need, then just mask until the fire outside becoming hidden. See the process below.

Step 19

Sure we will remove the white line shown in the image (marked in red rectangle below). First, add a new blank layer below "Layer 2." Then simply paint it with black using the soft round brush tool.

Step 20

Now go to the top most layer (mine is: "Layer 2 copy 6"), add two adjustment layers which is Hue/Saturation and Brightness/Contrast. Careful not to change the layer adjustment order, or the color effect will be wrong. Below you can see the setting I used to complete this step, also pay attention to the adjustment layer order.
By adding a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, we unify all colors. The Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer brings more color contrast and makes sure the image color’s looks like real fire.

Step 21

I’m sure you notice the fire sparks effect. I create it using the Brush tool with this simple setting. No special brush needed, but if you have one that will be useful then feel free to use it. Below you can see all the settings I used within the Brush palette, of course you can change the setting as you like. Just make sure the brush spatter enough and vary the size.

Step 22

Now to use the modified brush, create a new blank layer below the adjustment layers ( mine is named "Layer 4"). Choose 50% gray from the swatches palette, then you can start creating the fire sparks. Remember not to be monotone, resize the brush size if needed. I start using a big sized brush, then reduce it to smaller size (you can change brush size faster by pressing the bracket keys on the keyboard ).
If you’re not sure how to do this steps, just imagine where and how the fire sparks will flow if it was real fire. For me, imagining stuff is very helpful.

Step 23

To make it more interesting, create a new layer and change the Blending Mode to Screen. Then use a normal soft round brush (not the one we modified earlier), with an Opacity of 50%. Just click in the part of body, neck, and hair. I’m not sure how to explain this, but you can see the difference between the above and below images.


And that’s all of it! Hope you learned something new and had fun. You can view the final image below or view a larger version here.
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kode scrip Untuk membuat nama berjalan di title bar

Untuk memasang Teks berjalan pada judul blog yang berada di title bar atau adress bar berikut yang harus anda kerjakan yakni copy/salin seluruh kode script dibawah ini

<SCRIPT language='JavaScript'>
var txt="..Tulis Nama blog anda di sini... ";
var kecepatan=170;var segarkan=null;function bergerak() { document.title=txt;

Log in ke dashboar blogger anda dan temukan kode berikut ini </head>
Selanjutnya sisipkan kode yang anda copy tadi diatas kode </head> dan akhiri dengan "save template" anda. Jika pemasangan kode script Teks berjalan pada title bar diatas berhasil akan seperti screen shot berikut ini dan perhatikan tanda panahnya, keren bukan ...he he he !!!


Posting kali ini saya akan membahas cara membuka Password Bios Laptop dan Password Bios PC ….

Ikuti 3 langkah cara untuk menjebol password Bios Laptop / PC ini menurut ajaran guru ane…..

Cara Pertama  :

Cara tanpa buka casing Laptop atau PC dengan menjalankan hal berikut :

Masuk ke “command”

==> star => run => ketik cmd

setelah itu masuklah ke drive C:\ kemudian ketik DEBUG
terus ketikan kode berikut

o 70 2e
o 71 ff

Perhatikan o merupakan hurur O kecil spasi juga di sertakan
setelah itu restart ulang komputer anda, maka password BIOS akan hapus, jangan kaget kalo tanggal dan jamnya kembali ke tahun pembuatannya ato tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan….

Cara yang ke2 :

Dengan cara mencabut baterai cmos/ bios

- Buka casing CPU;
- Cabut batu baterai cmos/ bios;
- Setelah +/- 10 menit-an kita pasang kembali batu baterainya, maka settingan bios akan tereset kembali.

Cara Terakhir  : 

Dengan cara menggunakan setting jumper
Jika batu baterai cmos disegel dan kita tidak ingin membukanya khawatir garansi akan hilang, maka kita dapat mencoba dengan menggunakan
setting jumper (dibagian motherboard ada pin untuk reset password bios), caranya :
- Kita pindahkan jumpernya ke slot 2-3;
(Ket : Slot 1-2 : lock (normal) Slot 2-3 : clear (reset))
- Setelah itu kita tekan tombol power;
- Kemudian matikan lagi komputer kita;
- Pindahkan lagi jumpernya ke posisi semula slot 1-2;
- Restart Komputer Anda & Password BIOS sudah hilang ... 

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Tipografi Wajah dengan Photoshop


Persiapkan gambar yang ingin dibuat tipografi wajah. Buka gambar tersebut di photoshop, dan secara otomatis, layer gambar tersebut menjadi layer 'background'. klik ganda pada layer 'background' untuk mengubahnya menjadi layer biasa, dan ubah nama layer tersebut menjadi 'face'.


Pada tutorial kali ini, kita hanya membutuhkan bagian wajah. Jadi crop gambar wajah menggunakan Pen tool (P). Untuk cara cropping gambar menggunakan Pen tool, lihat tutorial ini : Menghapus background di Photoshop.


Buat layer baru dan beri nama dengan 'background'. Kemudian, posisikan layer 'background' diposisi paling bawah. Tekan tombol Ctrl + D di keyboard untuk mengembalikan warna foreground-background menjadi hitam putih. Jika sudah, gunakan Paint Bucket tool untuk mengisi layer background menggunakan warna hitam.


Buatlah sebuah layer baru dan beri nama layer dengan 'tipografi'. Kemudian pastikan warna foreground adalah putih seperti gambar dibawah.


Setelah kamu mendownload dan menginstall Scrambled Letters brush di link diatas, maka sekarang ada banyak pilihan brush berupa kumpulan huruf-huruf yang bisa digunakan. Pastikan layer 'tipografi' aktif, dan mulai sapukan brush dengan menggunakan Brush tool (B) pada bagian wajah.


Ulangi menyapukan brush ke dokumen tapi pastikan brush yang disapukan berbeda-beda jenisnya sampai kumpulan brush telah dirasa cukup untuk membentuk sebuah wajah.


Jika sudah, tekan dan tahan tombol Alt di keyboard, kemudian klik pada thumbail layer 'tipografi' agar seluruh bentuk pada layer tersebut terseleksi.


Sementara seleksi aktif, klik layer 'face' untuk mengaktifkannya. Lalu tekan Ctrl + C (Copy) kemudian Ctrl + V (paste).


Langkah diatas menciptakan sebuah layer baru lagi bernama 'layer 1'. Sembunyikan (hide) layer 'face' dan layer 'tipografi' untuk melihat dengan jelas bahwa 'layer 1' adalah kumpulan tipografi yang membentuk suatu objek wajah seperti gambar dibawah.


Tapi kita belum selesai sampai disini, kita perlu membuat suasana lebih dramatis dengan membuat efek huruf-huruf yang keluar dari wajah, seperti terbawa angin. Untuk itu, buat sebuah layer lagi, beri nama dengan 'tipografi 2' sapukan beberapa Brush scrambled letters di samping wajah seperti pada gambar dibawah.


Klik ganda pada layer 'tipografi 2' untuk membuka jendela layer style. Pada jendela layer style, pilih gradient overlay dan atur settingan didalamnya seperti gambar dibawah. Langkah ini untuk membuat kumpulan huruf tambahan pada layer 'tipografi 2' mempunyai gradasi dari terang ke gelap sehingga menunjukkan kedalaman agar artwork terlihat lebih realistis.


Buat layer mask untuk 'Layer 1', caranya klik ikon layer mask di bagian bawah layer palette. Klik thumbnail layer mask di 'layer 1' kemudian buat bentuk acak seperti gambar dibawah ini dengan Pen Tool (P). Sementara Pen tool aktif, klik kanan pada area kerja, lalu pilih Make Selection untuk mengubah garis kurva menjadi seleksi. Jika sudah, isi area yang terseleksi dengan warna hitam. Langkah ini akan membuat bagian tersebut menjadi tidak kelihatan sekaligus menciptakan efek acak yang membuat artwork lebih dramatis.


Kamu bisa berimprovisasi menciptakan kesan acak melalui langkah diatas tadi. Semakin acak bentuk yang kamu buat, maka akan semakin kuat harmonisasi yang dikesankan dalam artwork.


Terakhir, kita masuk kedalam bagian pewarnaan. Buat sebuah layer baru diposisi paling atas layer-layer yang lain. Beri nama layer tersebut dengan 'warna'. Gunakan Gradient Tool (G) dan bukan Gradient editor. Pada Gradient Editor, atur settingan warna gradasi dari hijau ke orange seperti pada gambar dibawah.


Drag Gradient Tool (G) pada area kerja, kemudian ganti blending mode untuk layer 'warna' menjadi Color.

Hasil Akhir

Beginilah hasil akhir dari tutorial tipografi wajah di photoshop. Mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat dan bisa dikembangkan dengan kreasi artwork kamu sendiri. Thanks for reading! bigsmile

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Design your own T-shirt with a typography portrait

or this tutorial you can use your own portrait, or the one I took. So, open the portrait jpg and double click the background layer to unlock it and name the layer portrait.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Now go to Image > Adjustments > Black & white (or press ALT + SHIFT + CTRL + B), use my settings.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Before we posterize the image, pick your burn tool (range: midtones, exposure: 20% ). Carefully burn some areas of the images, around her lips, nose, eyes etc. (I marked some spots), then go to Image > Adjustments > Posterize and set the levels to 4
Member since:
Sep 2010
Disable the “Portrait” layer for now. Make a new group (call it “words”) and using your favorite font and color ( I used Helvetica and Black) type some words like I did.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Pick the rectangular marquee tool and make a selection like I did. Now go to edit > define brush preset. repeat this step for each word and you will see your brushes in your brush presets.
Member since:
Sep 2010
We’re going to edit the text sizes a bit but with free transform. Select each word and press CTRL + T (hold Shift so that the proportions will be the same). Now, select the “words” group, make it smaller (CTRL + T) then duplicate the group a couple of times and achieve my result (resize, move, etc.) You can edit each word and in the end try to obtain something like a rectangle.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Select all the words and make them smaller (CTRL + T) like I did. Now make a selection with the rectangular marquee tool and go to edit > define pattern
Member since:
Sep 2010
Disable the groups of words and make the portrait available again. Using the rectangular marquee tool make a small selection on black, then go to select > similar.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Disable the portrait again and make a new layer above CTRL + SHIFT + N (call it “black words”). Using the words brushes with different sizes try to achieve my result or even better. Select the rectangular marquee tool and press the right click over the selection, go to save selection “black selection”. Also, create a new layer (“background”) under the “portrait” one and fill it with white.
Member since:
Sep 2010
If you disabled the selection, load it again (select > load selection > black selection) then add a new layer (“black pattern”). Go to edit fill and use the pattern you just did. Your result should look something like mine.
Member since:
Sep 2010
We need to make the big words more visible. So, hold CTRL and click the “black words” layer. This will do a selection around the words. Now, go to select > modify > expand by 3px , select the black pattern layer and hit delete.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Make the portrait available again, and disable the black word and the black pattern. Repeat the steps from above to select the 1st grey. Make a new layer “1st grey words” and disable the portrait again.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Using the brushes and #636363 grey arrange the words then add a new layer called “1st grey pattern” repeat the steps above but this time set the opacity of the pattern fill to 60%. Make a selection again around the grey words (ctrl+ click on the layer > expand by 3px). In the end you should get something like I did.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Repeat the steps above for the other tone of grey (“2nd grey words”, “2nd grey pattern”) use #C1C1C1 for the brushes and 20% opacity for the pattern. You also can play with the layers opacity, so that the final image will look great.
Member since:
Sep 2010
This black and white typography portrait works fine for me, but we can add some colors to it. Add a new layer on top and call it “gradient”. using a linear gradient and this colors #5b002f, #a10070, draw like I did.
Member since:
Sep 2010
Now set the blending mode of the ”gradient” layer to lighten. Your result should look like mine. You can use different colors if you want.
Member since:
Sep 2010
So, if you want to print this typography portrait on your t-shirt or something else, we need to have a transparent background. So if you remember the trick from step 11, but now we need multiple selections that’s why you are going to hold CTRL + SHIFT and click on each layer except the gradient and the background. Now that you have the selection, right click on it and go to “layer via cut”. Call the new layer “color” and delete the gradient and the background layer. Save the file as PNG.
Member since:
Sep 2010
You can make also a tshirt simulation. Open the tshirt model from the resources and the final PNG format. Check my simulation and do one better.
Member since:
Sep 2010
That's all, enjoy!